The gospel of Matthew (Sacra pagina)
Tác giả: Daniel J. Harrington, SJ
Ký hiệu tác giả: HA-D
DDC: 226.207 7 - Tin mừng Mátthêu - Chú giải với bản văn đi kèm
Ngôn ngữ: Anh
Tập - số: Coll 1
Số cuốn: 5

Hiện trạng các bản sách

Mã số: 609LV0005476
Nhà xuất bản: The Liturgical Press
Năm xuất bản: 1991
Khổ sách: 25
Số trang: 430
Kho sách: Khoa Thần
Tình trạng: Hiện có
Mã số: 609LV0005477
Nhà xuất bản: The Liturgical Press
Năm xuất bản: 1991
Khổ sách: 25
Số trang: 430
Kho sách: Khoa Thần
Tình trạng: Hiện có
Mã số: 609LV0008556
Nhà xuất bản: The Liturgical Press
Năm xuất bản: 2005
Số trang: 438
Tình trạng: Hiện có
Mã số: 609LV0017649
Nhà xuất bản: The Liturgical Press
Năm xuất bản: 1991
Khổ sách: 21
Số trang: 429
Kho sách: Khoa Thần
Tình trạng: Hiện có
Mã số: 609LV0019817
Nhà xuất bản: The Liturgical Press
Năm xuất bản: 1991
Khổ sách: 21
Số trang: 429
Kho sách: Khoa Thần
Tình trạng: Hiện có
A "Jewish" Commentary1
Tex anh Language3
Composition anh Sources4
Origin and authorship8
Theological Perspectives17
Matthew and Anti-Semitism20
General Bibliography22
The Birth - Record of Jesus (1; 1 -17)27
The birth of Jesus (1: 18 - 25)34
The Visit of the Magi anh the Flight to Egypt ( 2: 1 - 23)40
John the Baptist (3: 1 - 6)50
John's the Preaching (3: 7 - 10)55
The Baptism of John anh Jesus ( 3: 11 - 12)58
Jusus made manifest (3: 13 - 17)61
The Testing of God's Son (4: 1 - 11)65
Jesus Begins in Galilee (4 : 12 -25)70
Introduction to the Sermon on the Mount (5; 1 -120)77
Six "Antitheses" (5 : 21 - 48)85
Three Acts of Piety (6: 1 - 18)93
Other Teachings (6: 19 -17: 12)100
Warnings about Judgment (7: 13 - 29)107
Jesus the Healer (8: 1 - 17)112
More acts of Power (8: 1 8 - 9: 8)118
Interlude (9: 9 - 17)125
More Healings (9: 18 - 34)130
Setting (9: 35 - 10: 4)135
Mission to Israel (10: 5 - 15)139
Future sufferings (10: 16 - 25)144
Other Introductions (10: 26 - 42)149
John and Jesus (11: 1 - 19)154
Threats against Unrepentant Cities (11: 20 - 24)163
Revelation and Its Ricipients (11: 25 - 30)166
Two Sabbath controversies (12: 1 - 14)171
Jesus As God's Servant (12: 15 - 21)179
The Source of Jesus' Power (12; 22 - 37)182
The sign of Jonah ( 12; 38 - 42)187
This Evil Generation; The Family of Jesus (12; 43 - 50)190
The Parable of the Sower (13: 1 - 23)193
Other Parables (13: 24 - 520203
Rejection of His Own (13: 53 - 58)210
The Death of John the Baptist (14: 1 - 12)214
The Feeding of the Five Thousand (14: 13 - 21)218
Walking on the Water (14: 22 - 36)223
Debate about Tradition (15: 1 - 20)228
The Canaanite Woman (15: 21 - 28)234
Healings (15: 29 -31)239
Feeding of the Four thousand (15: 32 - 39)240
A Controversy and a Conversation (16: 1 - 12)243
Promise to Peter; First Passion Prediction (16: 13 - 28)246
The Transfiguration and Elijah (17: 1 - 13)253
The Disciples' Little Faith (17: 14 - 20)257
Second Passion Prediction; Temple Tax (17: 22 - 27)260
Care for the "Little Ones" (18: 1 - 14)263
The Brother Who Sins (18: 15 - 35)268
Marriage and Divorce, Celibacy, Children (19: 1 - 15)272
The Dangers of Wealth (19: 16 - 30)277
The Parable of the Good Employer (20: 1 - 16)282
The Cup of Suffrering (20: 17 - 28)286
The Healing Son of David (20: 29 - 34)289
Jesus' Entrance into Jerusalem and its Temple (21: 1 - 17)292
The Fig Tree (21: 18 - 22)296
Jesus and John (21: 23- 32)298
The barable of the Vineyard (21: 33 - 46)301
The barable of the Wedding Feast (22: 1 - 14)305
Taxes to Caesar (22: 15 - 22)309
Resurrection (22: 23 - 33)312
The Great Commandment (22: 34 - 40)314
David's Son or Lord? (22: 41 - 46)317
Good Deeds and Prestige (23: 1 - 12)319
The Woes against the Scribes and Pharisees (23: 13 - 31)324
Final Warning (23: 32 - 39)328
The Beginning of the Birthpangs (24: 1 - 14)331
The Coming of the Son of Man (24: 15 - 31)336
Parables of Watchfulness (24: 32 - 51)341
The parable of the Ten Maidens (25: 1 - 13)347
The parable of the Talents (25: 14 - 30)351
The Judgment (25: 31 -46)355
The Plot to Kill Jesus (26: 1 - 16)361
Jesus' Last Passover (26: 17 - 35)365
The Arrest of Jesus (26: 36 - 56)372
The Jewish "Trial" and Peter's Denial (26: 57 - 75)378
The Condemnation of Jesus and Judas' Death (27: 1 - 10)384
The Condemnation of Jesus (27: 11 - 26)387
The Crucifixion of Jesus (27: 27 - 44)393
The Death of jesus ( 27: 45 - 56)399
The Burial of Jesus ( 27: 57 - 66)404
The empty Tomb (28: 1 - 15)408
The Great Commision (28: 16 -20)414
Principal Ancient Parallels419