The gospel of Mark (Sacra pagina)
Tác giả: John R. Donahue, SJ, Daniel J. Harrington, SJ
Ký hiệu tác giả: HA-D
DDC: 226.307 7 - Tin mừng Máccô - Chú giải với bản văn đi kèm
Ngôn ngữ: Anh
Tập - số: Coll 2
Số cuốn: 5

Hiện trạng các bản sách

Mã số: 609LV0005472
Nhà xuất bản: The Liturgical Press
Năm xuất bản: 2002
Khổ sách: 25
Số trang: 488
Kho sách: Khoa Thần
Tình trạng: Hiện có
Mã số: 609LV0005473
Nhà xuất bản: The Liturgical Press
Năm xuất bản: 2002
Khổ sách: 25
Số trang: 488
Kho sách: Khoa Thần
Tình trạng: Hiện có
Mã số: 609LV0008555
Nhà xuất bản: The Liturgical Press
Năm xuất bản: 2005
Số trang: 499
Tình trạng: Hiện có
Mã số: 609LV0017650
Nhà xuất bản: The Liturgical Press
Năm xuất bản: 2002
Khổ sách: 21
Số trang: 488
Kho sách: Khoa Thần
Tình trạng: Hiện có
Mã số: 609LV0019816
Nhà xuất bản: The Liturgical Press
Năm xuất bản: 2002
Khổ sách: 21
Số trang: 488
Kho sách: Khoa Thần
Tình trạng: Hiện có
1. The Prologue : The Beginning of the Good News (1,1-13)59
2. Transitional Markan Summary : Proclamation of the Kingdom (1,14-15)70
3. The Call of the first Disciples (1,16-20)73
4. A Paradigmatic Day Begins the Ministry of Jesus (1,21-34)78
5. Highpoints of Jesus' Work in Galilee (1,35-45)86
6. The Healing of the Paralyzed Man (2,1-12)92
7. The Call of Levi and Meals with Toll Collections and Sinners (2,13-17)100
8. Fasting, Torn Garments, and New Wineskins (2,18-22)105
9. Plucking Grain on the Sabbath (2,23-28)110
10. Healing on a Sabbath (3,1-6)114
11. Transitional Markan Summary : Healing beside the Sea (3,7-12)118
12. Choosing the Twelve (3,13-19)122
13. The Beelzebul Controversy and the True Family of Jesus (3,20-35)128
14. The parable of the Sower, Sayings on the Mystery of the Kingdom of God...(4,1-20)136
15. Four Sayings on Revelation and Two Kingdom Parables (4,21-34)149
16. Jesus' Power over the Wind and Waves (4,35-41)156
17. The Exorcism og the Gerasene Demoniac (5,1-20)162
18. The Daughter of Jairus and the Woman with the Hemorrhage (5,21-43)171
19. The Rejection at Nazareth (6,1-6a)183
20. The Mission Charge to the Twelve (6,6b-13)189
21. The Identity of Jesus and the Execution of John the Baptist (6,14-29)194
22. The Feeding of the 5000 by the Sea of Galilee (6,30-44)203
23. Jesus Walks on the Water and Astounds the Disciples (6,45-52)212
24. A Markan Summary of the Healing Power of Jesus (6,53-56)216
25. The Dispute over Clean and Unclean (7,1-23)218
26. The Syrophoenician Woman (7,24-30)232
27. Jesus Restores Healing and Speech to a Suffering Man (7,31-37)238
28. The Second Feeding Narrative : The 4000 (8,1-10)243
29. Pharisees and Scribes Seek a Sign (8,11-13)247
30. A Further Misunderstanding by the Disciples and … (8,14-21)251
31. The Gradual Healing of a Blind Man (8,22-26)255
32. Peter's Confession, the First Passion Prediction, … (8,27-38)259
33. The Transfiguration (9,1-13)267
34. Healing a Possessed Boy (9,14-29)276
35. A Second Passion Prediction and More Instructions for Disciples (9,30-50)282
36. Marriage and Divorce (10,1-12)292
37. Jesus Blesses Children (10,13-16)299
38. Riches and Poverty (10,17-31)302
39. A Third Passion Prediction and More Instructions for Disciples (10,32-45)309
40. The Healing of Blind Bartimaeus (10,46-52)316
41. Jesus' Entry into Jerusalem (11,1-11)320
42. The Fig Tree and the Temple (11,12-25)326
43. The Authority of Jesus (11,27-33)333
44. The Parable of the Vineyard (12,1-12)337
45. Taxes to Caesar (12,13-17)343
46. The Debate about Resurrection (12,18-27)348
47. The Great Commandment(s) (12,28-34)354
48. The Messiah and the Son of David (12,35-37)358
49. The Scribes and the Widow (12,38-44)362
50. Jesus' Eschatological Discourse (13,1-37)366
51. Contrasting Beginnings of Jesus' Last Days (14,1-11)383
52. Jesus' Final Meal with His Disciples (14,12-25)391
53. Prediction of Peter's Denial (14,26-31)401
54. Jesus in Gethsemane (14,32-42)406
55. The Arrest of Jesus (14,43-52)414
56. Jesus before the Sanhedrin and the Denial by Peter (14,53-72)419
57. Jesus before Pilate (15,1-20)429
58. The Crucifixion of Jesus (15,21-32)440
59. The Death of Jesus (15,33-41)446
60. The Burial of Jesus (15,42-47)453
61. The Empty Tomb (16,1-8)457
62. Later Endings (16, 9-20)462